McKennas Song | Teen Ink

McKennas Song

September 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Your head is spinning around
You're crashing down
And in your mind I'm sure you're ready to drown
But don't listen to what the other people say
All they know how to do is hate
I just want you to know you're beautiful
you're beautiful
you're beautiful

You still feel ugly
You can't understand what's happening
And you wish people would let you be

But don't listen to what the other people say
All they know how to do is hate
I just want you to know you're beautiful
you're beautiful
you're beautiful

Another razor to the wrist
Another meal skipped
And yet you still managed to go one more day alive
But don't listen to what the other people say
All they know how to do is hate
I just want you to know you're beautiful
you're beautiful
you're beautiful

And I know because I have gone through this too
But no matter what the other people say
On the count of 3 sing with me (1,2,3)
I am beautiful
I am beautiful
I am beautiful

you are beautiful
you are beautiful
you are beautiful

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my best friend. She's going through a really hard time so i devoted a song to her. I think anyone can relate to this, wether you are going through something hard or you have gone through something hard, or if someone you love is going through something hard. It's just kind of encouraging and a good reminder that you are perfect and beautiful.

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