Stand Up | Teen Ink

Stand Up

August 20, 2013
By ByChance BRONZE, Saint Catharines, Other
ByChance BRONZE, Saint Catharines, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I hope karma slaps you in the face, before I do

Verse 1
Words, sharp like knives
They cut me into pieces
I get burned to ashes
People breaking glasses
Time runs out, be careful
I'll always faithful

Stand up
Its time for me to
Stand up

Stop taking their crap
Their only jealous
Of me doin' better than them

Verse 2
Broken hearted
Doin' the things you wanted
Pretty people that you see
Thats what you'll never be

Stand up
Its time for you to
Stand up

Stop taking their crap
Give 'em what they deserve

Its time for their reign to end
Stand up to them

The author's comments:
Nothing really, I just come up with songs at random.

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