Live In A World Of Lies | Teen Ink

Live In A World Of Lies

July 23, 2013
By Woolfey BRONZE, Laredo, Texas
Woolfey BRONZE, Laredo, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s Always<br /> A Little TRUTH<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;Just Kidding&quot;<br /> <br /> A Little KNOWLEDGE<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;I Don&#039;t Know&quot;<br /> <br /> A Little EMOTION<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;I Don&#039;t Care&quot;<br /> <br /> A Little PAIN<br /> Behind Every<br /> &quot;It&#039;s Okay&quot;

I was once told that dreams could come true
I was once told that my wishes would come true
I was once told everything would be fine
But here I stand
In a world of war and sorrow
Filled with sadness I walk alone in the darkness
I search for a little light
A little hope
Some faith
But most of all the truth
I found the light, but feared it
I found hope, but let it leave
I found the truth, but ran away from it
I was told my dreams would come true
But they didn't
I was told my wishes would come true
But they didn't
I was told everything would be okay
But it wasn't
I live in a world of lies
I wanted the truth
But was too scared of it
So I listened to the lies
So I live in a world of lies

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