Beautiful Fool | Teen Ink

Beautiful Fool

June 21, 2013
By HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Life can hurt
when it gets too real,
You fall in too deep
and find it hard to heal,
To love or hate,
or to celebrate,
so you burn yourself to make sure you still can feel,
anything at all.

You break through the numb,
and embrace the pain,
anything to keep you sane,
sing a song
and laugh out loud
dance a dance
and get away from the crowds

Because I'd much rather be dumb,
to be a beautiful fool,
than to stay so numb,
lonely and cruel

so close your eyes
to the truth
it's better to only
believe in the beautiful

Because life can hurt
when it gets too real,
You'll burn yourself
until you won't heal,
Fall into pain
until you can't feel,
anything at all.

So close your eyes,
to the truth
it's better you only
believe in the beautiful

For all you beautiful fools!

The author's comments:
"That's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
~Daisy Buchanan

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