Nihilist Friend | Teen Ink

Nihilist Friend

June 23, 2013
By Vinchenzo BRONZE, Fertile, Minnesota
Vinchenzo BRONZE, Fertile, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My good friend, why don’t you come out and play
What do you fear, what is that you say?
Is this the life lasting past today?
Will you share this with them everyday?

When I see the distant moons I think of you
Such an intricate position yet unnoticed while true
Did you know that when you cried I paid the dues
And then I received the saddening news

I know how you can be so forever afraid
You believe they've ruined the lives, all the games they've played
While they still search for next year’s morals and trade
We know how their characters have already been made

And while they falter we are still who we are
Those so innocent days spent counting cars
I heard you near and I’ll hear you far
This alliance, my friend, is only the start

When I see the times it hearkens to you
Scared to hear it but knowing that it’s true
After you were gone I had to pay the dues
I forever remember receiving that news

Our heroes are here and our enemies slain
We’re going aboard our onward train
While you are here I still remember the pain
And then I listen as it begins to rain

Come with me, I promise you will see
We are so close, to more than anarchy
Remember that time that I fell from the tree?
You were there to catch me, then you found your key

I know how you want them to be as afraid
You want to ruin the lives, win their games they play
While they still ignore those gone astray
We know how they’re limited in their very days

My good friend, I’m glad you came to play
Overcoming your fears and undoing your hate
This is our precious life lasting past just today
Will you share this with me for the rest of our days?

The author's comments:
I hope I did well on this. I am an aspiring songwriter who is starting a band and I am trying to pen good songs.

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