Questions | Teen Ink


June 7, 2013
By PRETTYBRI27 SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
PRETTYBRI27 SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not where you come from, it's where you are going to

If the wind blows
will the baby really rock
If I die tomorrow
will I really meet God
If my dad had done better
would our family be whole
If my siblings had died
would i ever have known
If my life just ended
would you actually care
If you truly love me
will you always be there
If I had to go away
would you cry and scream
If I never came back
would you be sad or free
If the world ended tomorrow
would our last day be together
If I asked if you'd leave me
would you scream out "Never"
If I tried to look pretty
would you even notice
If I left today
would she be your focus
If love is real
would ours be true
If there's no me
Would there be you

The author's comments:
Questions that can normally pop in the head at any given moment put into one piece

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