when i was that girl | Teen Ink

when i was that girl

June 7, 2013
By PRETTYBRI27 SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
PRETTYBRI27 SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not where you come from, it's where you are going to

We were so strong
Our love was the envy of all
You broke my heart
Just let me fall
I hope it was worth it
I know I'm that one
You may get another girl but
She will never come above
I'm not a one in a million
more like a once in your life
You'll learn how you should've treated me
When another man comes to treat me right
You think you got it all
Getting as many hoes as you like
Trust me you gone regret leaving
I'm the girl that's the love of your life
Haa a year later you started to learn
Them girls wasn't about nothing
But by time you figured it out
Me and him had something
When you finally have something good
Don't trade them for for the world
That's something you should have thought about
When I was your girl

The author's comments:
got the idea from bruno mars " when I was your man" and since I have been in that situate I made my version

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