I'm just a flower | Teen Ink

I'm just a flower

May 24, 2013
By Willow007 BRONZE, Cornish Flat, New Hampshire
Willow007 BRONZE, Cornish Flat, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm like a bouquet to you
Just here to get another girl
She's so cute, so right for you,
But I'm still here

I saw you the other day
You were in your uniform
You looked so good, such a great guy,
God I miss you

Now I know, I should have stayed away from you
But damn you were the best thing that had ever happened to me
Why's this gotta be so damn hard to see
It looked so good but ended so bad

But here I am
And I've moved on
I like him now
You're history

Being a flower can be fun
I'm pretty and boys come to me
They think I'm cute but then move on
But not with you

I thought that you were different
And oh my god how right I was
Like nothing that I'd ever seen
It hurt so bad

Now I know, I should have stayed away from you
But damn you were the best thing that had ever happened to me
Why's this gotta be so damn hard to see
It looked so good but ended so bad

But here I am
And I've moved on
I like him now
You're history

The author's comments:
This guy rejected me, and I was just a giant bundle of awful feelings for a week or two. I wrote this song about six months later. It's about how I learned to love myself again, after hating myself for being so wrong and so stupid.

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