one last time | Teen Ink

one last time

May 28, 2013
By darby0925 BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
darby0925 BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking on the thin edge of faith
I'm looking up and seeing you
I say a prayer and whisper your name
I'll keep my word and I'll stay true
Protecting me from up above
My heart beats for you it's so strong
I'm giving you all my love
You should have stayed a little longer

In your arms I'm complete
Thinking of you while i dream
I'll see you again I won't lie
Even though you're gone i won't cry
One last time is all I ask
To hold you once again forever
one last time i hope it lasts
Me and you, we'll be together

I just wanna see your face
I need you here next to me
in my heart you can't be replaced
When I'm with you my soul is free
You're my one and only can't you see
I can't live without you by my side
When I'm with you i feel so alive
You were taken so early and i don't know why

In your arms I'm complete
Thinking of you while i dream
I'll see you again I won't lie
Even though you're gone I won't cry
One last time is all I ask
To hold you once again forever
One last time I hope it lasts
Me and you, we'll be together

Standing by this grave of yours
I wanna hold you in my arms
you weren't given much time
you need more
Come back to me I'll keep you safe
from unwanted harm
You shouldn't have said your goodbye
I wanted you to always be mine

One last time i need it to last
But I'll be fine I'll pray and ask
One last time it will come
Don't worry Angel I'm saving you my love

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