The Dreamer, The Believer | Teen Ink

The Dreamer, The Believer

May 26, 2013
By actingpassion BRONZE, Park City, Utah
actingpassion BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are too many quotes in history to pick one that perfectly represents a person's current status" - actingpassion

There he is as he walks down the hall
No one knows who he is at all
But onwards he goes
And nobody will ever know

With his dreams up in his head
He passes without dread
The dreamer, the believer.
Although everyone says what they'd like,
He's never let a word slip into his mind.
Dream boy, see the joy of what it means to be free.

He sees the word with a mature eye
No one knows how he feels inside
But everyone says he a mad mind
Somehow he remains kind

Oh dreamer relax
Forget about the harsh past
It's not your fault, you're still loved
Trust me boy, you'll feel the joy once you sit back

With dreams up in his head
He passes without dread
The seer, the traveler
Although everyone says what they'd like,
He never let's a word slip into his mind.
Dream young man, you'll see the plan this universe has made for you and me.

He grows old, with an ancient soul
One that knows what it means to be cold
But he never believed what everyone said,
So he dreamed in a dream that could have been shed

Oh dreamer sit back,
Relax your mind,
You've had a great life,
You've been wise and kind

With dreams up in his head,
He lived without a dread,
The dreamer, the believer
Although everyone said what they'd like,
He never let a word of it slip into his mind.
The dreamer was set free, shown what he was meant to be, and how he had a wonderful life.

The author's comments:
We are all dreamers in our own way, finding something that we truly believe we are destined to accomplish.

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