You Don't Need A Prince To Be A Queen | Teen Ink

You Don't Need A Prince To Be A Queen

May 15, 2013
By davisgirl BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
davisgirl BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a princess
She had a dream
She wanted a beautiful prince
To sweep her off her feet
She learned all her manners
She learned what to say
She learned to rule a kingdom
Day after day
And finally she was betrothed
But that prince never showed

I'm sorry the spell is over
I'm sorry the clock has stuck midnight
Even though there's no Prince Charming in sight
I promise everything will be

She ran up her tower
She grew out her hair
She spent all the hours
Just crying on the stairs
One day she got up
Dusted off her gown
She left the tower
And picked up her crown
She finally learned she needed no one else
She learned she could shine all by herself

I'm sorry the spell is over
I'm sorry the clock has stuck midnight
Even though there's no Prince Charming in sight
I promise everything will be

Don't be that girl
Who loses herself
For the fairy tale

Don't be that girl
Who changes her mind
Just so she's not the one who gets left behind

The princess without a prince became a queen

The author's comments:
My first post! Aspiring singer/song writer

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