Notice | Teen Ink


May 10, 2013
By Anonymous

If I died
No one would notice it
The world will be the same

Full of happiness
Yet despair
Keeps flowing through the air

Our lives
We're just desperate people
Trying to find
Things we don't know exist
That we will never know
Until we die

Everything so familiar
Yet so different
Clashing into one

Everyone is narcissistic
Don't care about no one
Like raindrops by themselves

Paradise or the other
We don't know when
But if I die know,
No one will notice it

Full of laughter
Full of joy
Playing around like no one else is watching

Where can I go
No place for me anymore
When I stay

So should I stay
Or should I leave

'Cause if I die
No one will notice it

The author's comments:
This song is about a girl who feels as if no one notices her, and has very low self esteem. Most of us teenagers feel this way sometimes in our lives, and can relate to it very easily. If you ever see anyone in this situation, try to put yourself in their shoes and act as a friend to them.

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