Peaceful Silence, Lonely Quiet | Teen Ink

Peaceful Silence, Lonely Quiet

May 13, 2013
By Rachel314 BRONZE, Charlotte, Vermont
Rachel314 BRONZE, Charlotte, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She listens to walls
dancing down the halls
the shadows are her friends
her heart, it will never mend

The fan pushes her away
All alone she will stay
staring out the window
searching through the snow

Peaceful Silence ooh ooh
Lonely Quiet ooh ooh
what’s the difference?
I can’t tell anymore

the moon shines on down
on her frozen eyelids
the snow ruffles all around her
with each shaky breath she takes

the ice melts at her touch
her thoughts race too much
her eyes just won’t close
in the dawn she’ll be here

Peaceful Silence ooh ooh
Lonely Quiet ooh ooh
what’s the difference?
I can’t tell anymore

then when summer comes around
her bare feet touch the ground
the sun shines to her soul
and finally she is whole

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