Waves | Teen Ink


May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Come wash over me, one last time.
Those generic time bombs can
sink and settle comfortably fine.
The anticipation of a gnarly wave,
the first one, gets the best of me.
Come rock the boat, one last time.
A little salt spray never hurt
any water show of mine.
The sea creatures dance about
my boat, and the sickness
doesn't present itself.
Come douse my senses, one last time.
Replace them with hyperactive
motor parts rusted to shine.
My unconscious brain takes the wheel
to permit my inner maniac passage, to ride the waves and wait.

The author's comments:
Written to reflect on my Benadryl abuse days, the times when I had nothing to lose but my sense of reality. Thankfully I overcame it before I sank.

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