Tether Breaks | Teen Ink

Tether Breaks

April 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Something inside you
is so empty, yet so full of fire
Doing whatever you can to feel alive,
but it only lasts a moment
then you're back to being broken

Taking steps away
until the tether breaks
I'm sorry the world just lets you ache

Life isn't a game, so it must be yourself that you're losing
Needing someone doesn't make you weak, it makes you human
Being able to hurt someone doesn't make you strong,
being on the outside doesn't mean you don't belong

You don't want to hope
that things might get better;
that only makes it worse when they don't
Love's just another four letters

"Sorry" is a wisp of air,
tears are just rain
Laughter's the buzz of a fly in your ear,
color is only a stain

There's a hook in your heart from a fishing line
with the weight of the world on the other side,
weighing you down

It's not fair that
the pain finds a home in your heart,
but you're homeless
At what point does it feel
less alarmingly hopeless
to pass on the pain in your hands
and make someone else hold it?

Life isn't a game, so it must be yourself that you're losing
Needing someone doesn't make you weak, it makes you human
Being able to hurt someone doesn't make you strong,
being on the outside doesn't mean you don't belong

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