The Mirror | Teen Ink

The Mirror

April 18, 2013
By JenniferD BRONZE, Ridgeland, South Carolina
JenniferD BRONZE, Ridgeland, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Endure to the end.

The past of the monster we used to be.
That haunts is and stabs our confidence dead.
We see it's ugly reflection, unfortunately.
The worst past is it gets pierced in our head.

The reflection we see is not found in the ocean waters.
For the nature surrounding it covers the truth.
We tend to blame our monstrosity at our ancestors;our mothers and fathers.
But the mistakes we have done, we chose to do.

This object that spits at our face with it's ugly reflection
Is none other than the mirror, our worst enemy.
It's impossible to see through it and find peace or perfection
Because we don't even grip perfection due to the fact that
we think it's something we can't ever be!

Our rage, our fury, and disgust against the mirror's curse
Has us convinced that we are hideous, we can't see that it mocks who we are.
But before we see the truth, we have to know who we really are first.
Not who our reflection is, but who we really are.

That mirror will someday shatter and break.
That day we will be free from pain and escape
The ugly reflection that has been haunting us forever
And our lives will be a beautiful endeavor.

The author's comments:
This was just an assignment for my creative writing class but it turned out pretty good so I decided I should put it here. So yeah..

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