Lemonade | Teen Ink


April 15, 2013
By Addie_Olsen BRONZE, Ogde, Utah
Addie_Olsen BRONZE, Ogde, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I am an Olympian&quot;<br /> -Addie

A beverage with sour taste,
But sweet at the same time.
You sometimes pucker your face,
And it only cost you a dime.
As it cools down your throat,
Your satisfaction comes with a smile.
So you do what matters most,
Have some more and stay awhile.
It's addicting flavor lingers still,
It only makes you want more.
Your plastic red cup it will fill,
The cold drink you will pour.
Everyone loves this drink,
It tastes good as you can see.
It's more of a summer thing,
But what could it possibly be?

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this from a special event we will be having at our school called Lemonade Day.

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