Drift Away | Teen Ink

Drift Away

March 21, 2013
By JosephLove BRONZE, Palm Coast, Georgia
JosephLove BRONZE, Palm Coast, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The war you all face is endless. But with your faith in God, you can bring armies to it's knees. Know that you carry the name of God.' -Arch Angel Michael.

Remember the first time that we kissed

All those nights that I missed

You said loved me that one night

When the moon was shining bright

I held you so close to me

I thought it was meant to be

You said I was your first love

Then your love was what I thought of

It didn’t matter what they said or thought

But the pain they’ve brought

Just made you cry

Then I asked you why

Then you told me and I held you

I never left you no matter what they say or do


It breaks my heart to see us drift away

A little more each day

The broken tears we have shared

The darken pain we have bared

The wishing stars we have stared

But you never cared

So tell me dear, what I’ve done wrong

Your careless heart is not where I belong

So tell me darling

Before you stopped caring

Didn’t I do my best for you?

Now I don’t know what to do

Our love was a blessing

But now we’re just stressing

The times that we’ve spent

My heart is what you bent

But now my heart will be reborn

The hate you gave, the roses you’ve torn

Well, now your gone

Now my faith is what I look upon

I wiped your tears, I held you close

But your carelessness is what hurt me the most


It breaks my heart to see us drift away

A little more each day

The broken tears we have shared

The darken pain we have bared

The wishing stars we have stared

But you never cared

So tell me dear, what I’ve done wrong

Your careless heart is not where I belong


Your feelings are so hidden

My love that I’ve giving

Even though you left me broken

We may see each other again

And only then you will realize

The pain that I’ve bled

Just for you

But now I just want what’s best for you


It breaks my heart to see us drift away

A little more each day

The broken tears we have shared

The darken pain we have bared

The wishing stars we have stared

But you never cared

So tell me dear, what I’ve done wrong

Your careless heart is not where I belong

The author's comments:
A song that I have written about my ex a few years ago, trying to find someway to get this song published and out of the way.

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