Bad Influences | Teen Ink

Bad Influences

March 7, 2013
By Noah Miranda BRONZE, New York, New York
Noah Miranda BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Got nine year olds smoking crack like why are they doing this,
they think its cool because of the bad influences, they think its
cool because of the bad influences, that's not cool they are really
just confusing em

You should shouldn't listen to someone bad that is really trying to
influence you, because they wouldn't be the one to be standing at
your funeral, if you get high and die that’s the worst scenario, because
anything can happen if you take drugs, you’ll have yourself looking like
when you put salt on a slug, if you give into an influence its no ones fault
but your own, I am always dropping these poems, but this is more serious
this time, are you hearing this this time, cause I'm trying to tell you about bad
influences in this rhyme

Got nine year olds smoking crack like why are they doing this,
they think its cool because of the bad influences, they think its
cool because of the bad influences, that's not cool they are really
just confusing em

Once you take what they want you to take, your life is at stake, and you
will start to swallow drugs like a chocolate cake, you see bad influences
everywhere, you just need to see it yo, there in school, in public, and in
music videos, people talk about guns and then you want to get a gun yourself,
forget about bad influences and worry about yourself, don't take drugs from people
and stay in good health, because being addicted to drugs is like experiencing hell
on earth, its worst than a curse

Got nine year olds smoking crack like why are they doing this,
they think its cool because of the bad influences, they think its
cool because of the bad influences, that's not cool they are really
just confusing em

Lets say in your in a situation where someone is giving you drugs, and
you want to take it but there's hesitation, let me show you something for
demonstration, just refuse to take it, because you do not know about that
guy and how much illegal meds he taking, how much his body is aching, he
probably sees pain killers and he starts to take em, and overdosed he now
is comatose because using drugs is like putting raid on a cockroach

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