Sailor Starr | Teen Ink

Sailor Starr

March 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Sailor Starr can play guitar and really shred it too. The boys all care for her long hair and eyes of green and blue. She became her alter ego, wrote her name in blood, increased the talent she was given from heaven above.
Sailor Starr came down real hard on her own stage today. She’s tired of all these games a club has made her play. She hates the way they’ve treated her and now she wants to leave. She knows the cost that all the lost had to pay to leave.
Sailor Starr got in her car and fled the club she found. It’s sure the club knows what to do; they’ll put her underground. She prays to God “What do I do?”; removes her club tattoo. She runs on to another state but then, it’s just too late.
Sailor Starr left broken hearts at 2 p.m. today. They left her dead and wrecked her head their common killing way. Two were killed along with her; they saved her for the last. And now Sailor is a girl who was just in the past.
Sailor Starr died right before her fame and glory came. The media won’t explain her death; they don’t know what to say. They say she died from her own drugs; that is her own dismay. The truth is no one really knows who killed her anyway.

The author's comments:
If you know the truth about the media, this will all make sense.

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