Don't Listen | Teen Ink

Don't Listen

February 20, 2013
By McLean Nuttall BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
McLean Nuttall BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is for the lost souls.

For the people who feel trapped in a deep hole.

Those who feel broken down,

even when there are people around.

For those who don’t feel worthy,

just because someone, somewhere, did not appreciate you.

Yes, you made a mistake.

But you have to miss their hate.

Don’t listen to those words that you are told

They are just daggers being thrown to make you fold.

To make you feel broken down,

Especially when there are people around.

To make you Not. Feel. Worthy.




will appreciate you.

Don’t let those swords hit you.

Prove that person wrong.

Don’t let them hurt you with their vicious words.

Because honestly, you are a strong person that needs to be heard.

The author's comments:
Hello, My name is McLean and I am a senior in Canton Illinois. My teacher Mrs. Vollmar had us write a poem about whatever it is that we wanted. During the time I wrote this slam poem I was going through a hard time just like every other teenage girl in the world. What started the darkness in my life was the suicide of one of my close friends. I wrote this poem hoping that every single person could take something away from it. My goal is to let people know that they are not alone and that they need to stand up for themselves throughout life. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!

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