The Sad Monster | Teen Ink

The Sad Monster

January 26, 2013
By Anonymous

I sing diamonds through my eyes every night
As the Sad Monster crawls under my sheets with me when I turn off the lights
It's not like I wanted him to be there
And he knows that he's difficult to bear
And I let him have his way
Because no one would believe anything I tried to say
I tried, I really did, to battle the Sad Monster away
He only gets to me when no one is awake
I would beg for someone's love, but no one believes in monsters, not at this age
At least, they don't want to anyways
And I'm supposed to act like a responsible adult, act smart around a knife
I'm forced to embrace the inevitable outcome because they say "it's life"
No one truly knows how to make someone feel better, not even myself
Lost like a missing toy on a child's shelf
Do you remember how painful that was?
I often wish I could, I long for that injust
The Sad Monster beats me every sundown
He's immortal, nothing that I know of could bring him down
I want him dead and every other victim does too
I'm desperate to know just what the hell to do
But all I can do is wait patiently for the sunrise
And hope for heaven to shine this time for my eyes.

The author's comments:
I know it sounds a bit disturbing, but in a artistic way, this poem explains how I feel very well.

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