Is Anybody out There? | Teen Ink

Is Anybody out There?

January 20, 2013
By tmoneysavannah BRONZE, Layton, Utah
tmoneysavannah BRONZE, Layton, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Doing what you like is freedom.....Liking what you do is happiness."

She sits there with a storm over head.. Thoughts overplay of what they said.. Trying to drown the memories... But pain is everything she sees.. People are talking but she cant seem to hear them.. She can only hear the last words he said... She tries to find an escape out there.. But only with help is she able to get out... The sun walked away while the storm rulled in... No ones there to lend a hand... She cries out `Is anybody out there`

The author's comments:
I started writing this in the middle of the night one night. I guess i just felt really alone and sad. Not sure where this all even came from? But once i put the pen on the paper, the pen just took over. I wasn't sure what i was writing.

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