Tonight, We Are Young | Teen Ink

Tonight, We Are Young

January 17, 2013
By Madeleine Brown BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Madeleine Brown BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The phone rings.
“Come out to your balcony,” he says.

“Give me a second, I….”

Need to crawl out of bed.

I open up the door, wondering what I’m doing.

“My lover he is waiting for me…”

In the driveway.

He sings up to me with his untrained voice

Asking me to prom

using the lyrics by Fun.

“The world is on my side. I have no reason to run…”

Because there’s a boy who - cares enough.

Embarrass himself just to make me smile.

I know that

“We are young”

but this memory is priceless.

The two of us,

“We can burn brighter than the sun.”

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