Suffocation | Teen Ink


January 13, 2013
By Maddie W BRONZE, NYC, New York
Maddie W BRONZE, NYC, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You made me cry more than you’ll ever know
The words on your lips felt like ice
I took them uneasily and would not let the pain show
Your emotions were forever changing, the roll of the dice
It was hard to breathe with you too close,
Always suffocating
Charm, jokes, and lies
In your little games
That I was swept into
With no escape
Time is running out
I have to get away
Before it’s too late

So here we are once again
Eye to eye
Let’s not pretend you’re innocent
You always kept everything in black and white
Secretive about even the little things
Making sure I never saw the better side of life
Because you knew you’d be traded in and replaced
Playing by your own rules
That no one understands until it’s too late
We stand face to face
Yet worlds apart
Once two lovers
Now two strangers
With history in the past

Deception and insecurities always got the best of me
A romantic at heart with too many inner demons
Falling too hard and too fast, hoping for for fate to take care of the rest
You knew just how to manipulate me
Almost like you’ve done this before
Which would make sense because
You’re scripted and planned out
Never making a move out of place
The master of chess games
And winning competitions
Losing wasn’t an option for you
But now I’m slipping through your fingers
And there’s nothing you can do
But watch me go

So here we are once again
Eye to eye
Let’s not pretend you’re innocent
You always kept everything in black and white
Secretive about even the little things
Making sure I never saw the better side of life
Because you knew you’d be traded in and replaced
Playing by your own rules
That no one understands until it’s too late
We stand face to face
Yet worlds apart
Once two lovers
Now two strangers
With history in the past

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