Manslaughter | Teen Ink


January 16, 2013
By dannycast BRONZE, Monroe, Connecticut
dannycast BRONZE, Monroe, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Painted the sky to try and fit this mood;
Clouds upon clouds.,
Purples streaks, and diamond stars,
but I was missing a moon.

“Close your eyes and try to calm down”
is what I tell myself because she is never there to catch me when I fall down.
And I’m experimenting with darkness
walls with, a little picture of us with several broken things that instinctively cause this.
Feeling of- an empty touch, but still I reach out, hoping for some extra love, and like always I’m never wanted.
I’m exhausted, but eyes are caught with, memories and thoughts that always seem to prevail death with coffins, that never fail to keep me haunted.
Easily ambiguous and insidious, Im not knowing the path, and then end up with whatever sins we live, its like an inducing bridge. walk into the future replacing the past with whatever excuses fit.

Jumping off the edge of the world,
What beautiful scenery.
Imagination is a disheveled creation of what I seem to see.
Sights that haunt, and sights that emote deviancy.
Standards of the strong is who I am feared to believe.
Believe in a world, filled with hatred
Where love and evil, are equally created.
Turn your face to death when one stands backwards
You can never spell a manslaughter
without using a mans laughter.

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