Rejected | Teen Ink


January 16, 2013
By WhitmireLyrics BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
WhitmireLyrics BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not the one to take chances
But for the first time in my life I put myself out there and I got hurt
I’m so stupid for thinking maybe you felt somethin’ to, ohh why did I do that, when you love her
So now all im feeling is the pain of being rejected (rejected, rejected)
I keep playin’ that moment in my head thinking what have I done wrong
Oh im so stupid I told you I loved you and guess what I got rejected ohhh
Is because im disabled or because im not her
The pain of being rejected, I just can’t stand it
Why? Why? Why? Did I tell him?
Cause now I have to face the pain alone
The Pain of being rejected (rejected, rejected)
So I’ll fight for you (fight for you)
Until you take last breath
*Whispering* until your last breath, because I love you, I can’t go through life without you
*Singing* I’m not the one to take chances
But for the first time in my life I put myself out there and I got hurt
I’m so stupid for thinking maybe you felt somethin’ to, ohh why did I do that, when you love her
So now all im feeling is the pain of being rejected (rejected, rejected)
I keep playin’ that moment in my head thinking what have I done wrong
Oh im so stupid I told you I loved you and guess what I got rejected ohhh
Is because im disabled or because im not her
The pain of being rejected, I just can’t stand it
Why? Why? Why? Did I tell him?
Cause now I have to face the pain alone
The Pain of being rejected (rejected, rejected)
So I’ll fight for you (fight for you)
Until you take last breath
*Whispering* Ti Ammo, Ti Ammo Mi Dispiace

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