Waiting to be found. | Teen Ink

Waiting to be found.

December 20, 2012
By Anonymous

Just a normal girl 16 wnating to be something wishing someone would care. I use my wrists as a canvas, and sit here and wish that i could disappear.
Chorus :
Does anybody love me? Does anybody care? Does anybody even know that i am still here? I am breaking down to nothing all the scars that you will never see, i am just waiting to be found.

Just a normal boy 13, staying up each night crying himself to sleep. All the drugs and the madness and the promises his parents won't keep.
With all the pain in my eyes, why won't anyone listen to my cries, why am i even here?
Chorus repeated.

Can't anybody save me? can't anybody help? does anybody even know that i'm just waiting to be found?

The author's comments:
This song is about teenagers going through a rough time. I want you to know, that someone does care. Talk to someone, anyone. A teacher, a friend, someone at school. People DO care.

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