Broken Souls | Teen Ink

Broken Souls

December 16, 2012
By Paige Fournier BRONZE, Welland, Other
Paige Fournier BRONZE, Welland, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your heart is cold
made of ice
words we hear;
not so nice
your broken words
just aren't the same
without regret
or mean full shame.

The smile you missed
the day we die
the girl you dissed
says goodbye
heavens small
but hell we dread
people hanging
by a thread.

I see the broken souls, we left behind. They head through time, lost. The broken souls that lost themselves in the lonely crowd we call ourselves. And so i see, them, here, alone. I see all the broken souls.

That look we see
that kills inside
don't you run, no
don't you hide
we face the fear
to run away
we hope by night
that we'll see day.

I see the broken souls, we left behind. They head through time, lost. The broken souls that lost themselves in the lonely crowd we call ourselves. And so i see, them, here, alone. I see all the broken souls.

The smile you missed
the day we die
the girl you dissed
says goodbye
heavens small
but hell we dread
people hanging
by a thread.

The author's comments:
Not too many people get what this song means, but if you look deeper than what you read it as, everything will be clear.

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