Hang On | Teen Ink

Hang On

December 12, 2012
By Megan McConnell BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Megan McConnell BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Well sister i`ll tell you,
You`re gonna miss these days;
The football games,
The freedom,
Your first taste of love,
And your first heartbreak.
Yeah, you got a ways to go
But don’t rush it.
Growing up is an endless rollercoaster,
It starts out slow with anticipation and no fears.
Then you take off,
And there`s no stopping now.
You climb upwards slowly but steadily,
And you`re just praying you`ll reach the top soon.
It seems like forever has passed once you get halfway up the hill,
But then before you know it you`re at the top
With experience and no limitations.
You ark over the hill,
And look down at the excitement ahead of you.
Then suddenly you drop.
You drop so fast you lose your breath,
And no matter how bad you want to
You can`t slow down.
You don’t want to reach the end,
And you realize you shed a tear or two along the way.
However, the fun outweighed the fright,
And just as you`re reaching the final stop you feel weak and exhausted
But at the end of your ride,
when you look back,
I hope you loved every second of it,
Just as much as I loved riding next to you.

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