Personal philosophy | Teen Ink

Personal philosophy

December 4, 2012
By CyrusK BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
CyrusK BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Livin an imagination
Searching for extrapolation
Never knowing my location
In my quiet contemplation
For the rest of my duration
Looking for a revelation
Understanding civilization
Population celebration

What I think is fact is fiction
Science, atoms, force and friction
Painful death is my prediction
Acid rain and crucifixion

Dust a floating in the wind
And bricks are stacking in the wall
Living life I know I sinned
But will it matter at all

Because when it comes down to it
Living life I'm hauling through it
with a chance why should I do it
There's no way I can subdue it

You're possessed by your possessions
stuck at 4-way intersections
Fake stuff causing your depressions
Having lonely crying sessions

Taking it out of perspective
What you do is ineffective
Everything made up collective
Seems to be sort of defective

The author's comments:
Philosophical rap

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