Moving On.. Finally | Teen Ink

Moving On.. Finally

November 14, 2012
By Quisha BRONZE, Coldwater, Mississippi
Quisha BRONZE, Coldwater, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.<br /> <br /> - Maya Angelou

In the world alone
No family, no friends
Walking alone, dusting off
Trying to get up again
Confused, not knowing
What's wrong from right
Patiently waiting
Contemplating a fight
Brainstorming, but not sure
& running out of thoughts
Being alone & running
But still getting caught
Is life alone a joke
Why don't I get to laugh
I constantly fall down
Falling in the wrong path
Being left alone
After you've always been here
Leaving me alone
How could you not care
Giving you my all
& then you let it go
After everything we been through
& you do not love me so
Time wasted
Time spent
Heart broken
Heart bent
Free me from love
This wicked spell
My poor little heart
Not beating so well
With every breath in my body
& all pain in my eyes
You can't look at me and say
You realize I've tried
Cause I'd look at you happily
& attempt to smile
You've never seen this pain
Cause I've been hurting awhile
Silent cries
Salty tears
Bitter thoughts
Throughout the years
Begging for relent
Wishing good luck
Letting go of pain
& giving up

The author's comments:
I've been wasting my time on the same person for entirely too long and I'm fed up. I should have already moved on, but sometimes you turn right when there's nothing left instead of turning left when nothing is right.

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on Aug. 6 2016 at 3:44 pm
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming.&quot;

I loved this so much. Good job!