Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

October 14, 2012
YouStandTallestWhenOnYourKnees SILVER, Tyler, Texas
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Favorite Quote:
When I&#039;m lost, scared, battered and broken,<br /> When my heart and emotions are left wide open,<br /> Love is reaching out to help me stand,<br /> And all a broken little girl like me has to do,<br /> Is grab His hand &lt;3

It all began with a little kiss.
When she said 'I do' she was all his.
Passion filled eyes, he took her hands.
Now forever they will stand.

I used to be so lost.
Just went with the wind.
But when I met you you found
the true me within.

You helped me find me.
Helped me see the truth.
Made me realize I can't live,
one more day without you.
You've opened my eyes to a new world baby.
You love me so big and drive me crazy.
All I can say when I look in those eyes is,
I love you as big, as big as the sky.


Now I can't see life without you.
Be thankful is all, all I can do.
You're my love, my true hero.
Baby, I love you.

Chorus Male, Female harmony

The author's comments:
Love is a choice and once you find it there's no going back.

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