The Little Things | Teen Ink

The Little Things

June 12, 2012
By PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
PurelyAshlyn SILVER, White Bluff, Tennessee
5 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A smooth sea, never made for a skillful captain.&quot;<br /> &quot;Autumn is a second spring in which every leaf is a flower.&quot;

We drink, we sing, we dance, and be merry!
For there are no words to cause us weary!
We dance like fools and drink like kings!
For today is the day to enjoy the little things!

Lads sing of lasses in fancy bows
Ladies puff your curls and point your toes
For we shall dance for those who can’t
Let the heavens hear our chants

We laugh, we cry, we jump and be merry
For there are no words to cause us weary!
We dance like fools and drink like kings!
For today is the day to enjoy the little things!

But despair for those who cant
For they may wither at our chant
Bring their hopes to the billowing skies
Fear the days a man cries
For those who die

One day they laughed, sang and been merry
For once there were no words to cause them weary
They danced like fools and drank like kings
For that day was the day to enjoy the little things

They fell to the darkness and wallowed in woe
For they’d grown too selfish and made new foe
They fell to their knees in the middles of the night
For they’d fallen deep and lost their light

So now my friends I say

We drink, we sing, we dance, and be merry!
For there are no words to cause us weary!
We dance like fools and drink like kings!
For today is the day to enjoy the little things!

Lads sing of lasses in fancy bows
Ladies puff your curls and point your toes
For we shall dance for those who can’t
Let the heavens hear our chants

We laugh, we cry, we jump and be merry
For there are no words to cause us weary!
We dance like fools and drink like kings!
For today is the day to enjoy the little things!

The author's comments:
I was feeling rather cheerful and had been reading a book with an Irish setting, so I came up with this little diddy.

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