Life is Hard | Teen Ink

Life is Hard

May 24, 2012
By Anonymous

It’s time to tell it like it is
My bad times have been countless
So many people use drugs amidst; strife;
“Who are you to father me? This is my life!”

I’m here to tell you
I’ve got my own life too
I’m still going to school
Not living life like a fool

Not using unnatural things
Due to the stings life brings
Not using energy drinks
Red Bulls don’t give you wings

I’m staying clean
There’s no one behind me
It’s just good things I mean

Life’s tricks can tear you apart
Damn, without a doubt, life is hard

Every day I see people crying
They wish they could just start dying
I tell them they should be grateful, I’m not lying

They’re silent, while I tell them my story
The fact that I’m alive is a fact of glory

They say, “It floors me! I should be thankful
That my life compared to yours is much less painful!”
I tell them to look at it from a different angle

“No matter how bad my life is
It could be much worse, kid
You know, I could be homeless!”

“Now, know this, I escape when I write
It’s that much easier to not go towards the light!”

“That’s right, I escape when I write
I don’t do it with any flow,
I just write a couple lines
And let my mind go!”

And people just stand guard
While you lose your whole yard
Damn, without a doubt, life is hard

Life gets harder every passing day
Too easy to make your way
And make yourself easy prey
But nobody sits and stays
And cares about what I say

But anyways, I know I can’t disappoint
But I also know every man has his breaking point

You need to read between the lines
Truly good times will be hard to find
Whether I’m talking about life or drugs this is true
Don’t do what’s “cool”, get the right view

You abuse, consider your future under fire
That’s not good; your goals will be that much higher
Addiction makes your friction a little less admired
Eventually you’ll fall to life, your life will expire

You’re finished, you’re gone, you’ve got nothing left
Your life is over, it’s been ended and possessed

I guess Death jumped into life after pulling your card
You’ll have to tell him, without a doubt, life was hard

The author's comments:
We see each and every day the glitter and glamour everyone else in the world thinks the U.S. is filled with. What they seemingly don't know is the problems that the majority of Americans must deal with every passing day.

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