Unseen Wounds | Teen Ink

Unseen Wounds

April 13, 2012
By Juan1993 BRONZE, Gap, Pennsylvania
Juan1993 BRONZE, Gap, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I asked for strength,<br /> and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.<br /> I asked for wisdom,<br /> and God gave me problems to learn to solve.<br /> I asked for prosperity,<br /> and God gave me a brain and brawn to work.<br /> I asked for courage,<br /> and God gave me dangers to overcome.<br /> I asked for love,<br /> and God gave me people to help.<br /> I asked for favors,<br /> and God gave me opportunities.<br /> I received nothing I wanted.<br /> I received everything I needed.&quot;

Unseen Wounds
Deep within her shell
She cried out as if in hell
Lost in life’s depression
Suffering with repercussion
Going through the hard times
Taking on a long climb
Tears that run down her face
Struggling with the days
They walk by you everyday
Their life a constant fray
Hope has gone away
Dealing with unseen wounds
Living with in the ruins
A smile on their face
Take a look at that real Scarface
Unseen wounds, hidden scars
Life behind the bars
He walks with scars
Making a life of stealing cars
Did time behind bars
Taking beating from the guards
Dealing with the chains
Now here comes the rain
No longer held in constraint
You are now helped by saints
They walk by you everyday
Their life a constant fray
Hope has gone away
Dealing with unseen wounds
Living with in the ruins
A smile on their face
Take a look at that real Scarface
Unseen wounds, hidden scars
Life behind the bars
See the little girl on the street
Struggling with mistreat
She has submitted to defeat
Until a young man saw the wounds
An had the touch to heal her crutch
Walking with anew smile
Life seems good now for a while
Those wounds no longer hold her to trial
They walk by you everyday
Their life a constant fray
Hope has gone away
Dealing with unseen wounds
Living with in the ruins
A smile on their face
Take a look at that real Scarface
Unseen wounds, hidden scars
Life behind the bars
He walks slowly out those icy doors
Wondering what the future has in store
He cant help but look back to before
The day he chose to walk outside those doors
So what can he do now
Will he be able to move forward from his shady past
Or will he crumble like shattered glass
All he knows is he better choose fast
They walk by you everyday
Their life a constant fray
Hope has gone away
Dealing with unseen wounds
Living with in the ruins
A smile on their face
Take a look at that real Scarface
Unseen wounds, hidden scars
Life behind the bars
I know you have struggled
Suffered a life of pain and abuse
Thinking there was no more use
But I tell you the truth
Your unseen wounds can be mended
All you need is a little belief

The author's comments:
I wrote this song because in high school whether people realize it or not many kids struggle. Whether its their home life, something that happen to them, school itself, or life. Kids have wounds/scars but most people dont see them or dont want to take the time to see them. That is why i wrote this song

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