True Aim | Teen Ink

True Aim

May 1, 2012
By Juan1993 BRONZE, Gap, Pennsylvania
Juan1993 BRONZE, Gap, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I asked for strength,<br /> and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.<br /> I asked for wisdom,<br /> and God gave me problems to learn to solve.<br /> I asked for prosperity,<br /> and God gave me a brain and brawn to work.<br /> I asked for courage,<br /> and God gave me dangers to overcome.<br /> I asked for love,<br /> and God gave me people to help.<br /> I asked for favors,<br /> and God gave me opportunities.<br /> I received nothing I wanted.<br /> I received everything I needed.&quot;

True Aim
I gave you the gun
An your aim was true
Now im on my knees
Looking up at you
With a tear in my eye
I cant help but wonder why
Did you really want me to die
True aim
Life is a hard game
What ah shame
Pain always hurts
But it always hurts worst
When it comes from one you love
Now you lay a mourning dove
You’re smiling at me
Gives me glee
So why are you stabbing me in the back
A surprise attack
No scars hurt more
Than the ones you cut in gore
I cant help but be fall to the floor
True aim
Life is a hard game
What ah shame
Pain always hurts
But it always hurts worst
When it comes from one you love
Now you lay a mourning dove
I thought we were more
How could you do this deed
Thinkin we were so close
I have now lost need
Your no longer a trust
Your friendship was a bust
Your on the outs, true aim
True aim
Life is a hard game
What ah shame
Pain always hurts
But it always hurts worst
When it comes from one you love
Now you lay a mourning dove
Having true aim
You took claim
I lost my flame
An your to blame
True aim

The author's comments:
In my life I have seen my fair share of betrayal whether it was to me or I saw others suffer from it. I hope that people will read this an think about their actions before they do something that could hurt others.

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