Perversion | Teen Ink


March 22, 2012
By Muckraker BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Muckraker BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.<br /> Aldous Huxley

Playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun, that’s what they’ve gone and done
So I said to everyone that came, you will soon be dead if you play this game.
Six kids with their suicide pacts, screaming ‘God isn’t real, he’s made of wax’
Well maybe he was just like you and me, but recently had plastic surgery.

Did he listen? Oh did he listen to a word I said, there’s a bullet in his head.
Did they listen? Oh did they listen to a word I said, well there’s bodies in your bed

Rewriting all the books, trying to make politicians out of wealthy crooks
So I said there will be consequence to every single incidence
A hundred rich men in business suits singing ‘In God we trust you’ll be next to lose’
Well its clear that you and me will be paying for plastic surgery.

Did he listen? Oh did he listen to a word I said, there’s a bullet in his head.
Did they listen? Oh did they listen to a word I said, well there’s bodies in your bed

Got Jesus?
Don't worry there's a cure...
Got Jesus?
Don't worry there's a cure...

Did you listen?

The author's comments:
This is not a song about hating religion, it's a song about the perversion of religion and those who use it to further their own cause.

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