Three Years | Teen Ink

Three Years

February 10, 2012
By Lynel Shakyaver BRONZE, Frumunda, Texas
Lynel Shakyaver BRONZE, Frumunda, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Three years
I’ve waited, gasping at every chance
As I wasted my life choosing them at every glance
My heart boils as I pulled through their failures
False hope watching them become saviors
Three years
I’ve wanted the perfect one
They might walk in the door tomorrow, my son
But through all the sorrow and all the years
The failures only made success a fear
Three years
I’ve struggled as my anger grew
My destruction would see it through
Killing the sheep would starve the cougar
But the sheep’s meat is not but meager

Three weeks
I’ve found the one with the same fire
They are on the path that I so which desire
We know only for what we have seen
But are unstoppable cause we are XIII.

The author's comments:
this isn't a love song, its about me trying to find a band.

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