Last Day | Teen Ink

Last Day

December 2, 2011
By JurikSnoKaldt BRONZE, Weston, Florida
JurikSnoKaldt BRONZE, Weston, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before?<br /> (That you stood by before)<br /> Are you up and on the front lines<br /> Or at home keeping score?<br /> Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate?<br /> (The bricks that seal your fate)&quot;

they tell me stories of a better time
of a place that I once knew,
When i kept had my answers
always knew what to do
but i feel that time is gone
upon me the pain is thrust,
holding onto frayed ends of things
better left in the dust
I need your help, now
I can’t stand my own ground
I can’t fight for you how,
Can i be there?
Burnt ashes and rubble I breathe,
Bring to memory what’s been taken from me,
Now there’s nowhere left to be,
safe and unbroken by my world
I’ll give back what you gave to me.
These last days, these better choices,
the words I said, These things i need
They don’t need to save me,
I’m doing fine
This heart may not beat, but somehow keeps in line
These better choices, On my last days
What the hell do i have,
left here to save?
I’ll keep my hands up, I won’t forgive
What these last days will surely bring.

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