SocietySolution | Teen Ink


December 2, 2011
By JurikSnoKaldt BRONZE, Weston, Florida
JurikSnoKaldt BRONZE, Weston, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before?<br /> (That you stood by before)<br /> Are you up and on the front lines<br /> Or at home keeping score?<br /> Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate?<br /> (The bricks that seal your fate)&quot;

Sleep deep and easy
forget we’ve died
we live among the metal stones tonight

burnt out like candles
our own strong pride
could not save us, and what came in the night
we needed all of
the darkened sky
now watch as i light it up, and bring us here tonight
so break the doors down
and let them in
these eyes mean no harm
they’re only here to forgive
lets build it back up
and start again
our society will not fall
if were here to live

the coffin nails are pushed in
and locked in perpetual place
preserve the only thing
that we had to save
in the darkest hour
we’ll breathe again
we will hold it in
until time begins again

burnt out like candles
our own long lives
have seemed so small compared
to what we saved in those times
let all my pieces
fall into place
and give the world
another time to live again.
The spirit leads you while your sleeping,
To show the past you once lost.
The blood in your heart is beating,
for the lost, forgotten sons.
Family forgotten, a whole new time
don’t bleed for me, until you know your kind
Show pride and hopeful, for better days
Join us when we find this world,
That we’re here to save.

The author's comments:
The economic and social decline.

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