Innocence | Teen Ink


November 19, 2011
By freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
19 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Might as well dance a tango to hell, at least you&#039;ll have tangoed at all.&quot; ~Rent<br /> &quot;Once you believe something, that&#039;s when it becomes true.&quot; ~Me

In your eyes
The world so lovingly
Holds tight
To the innocence
What's right

How I wish
To be
Like you
See no wrong
Hear kindness
And only feel love

You say you don't
Understand this life
And you don't understand
Why you are who
You are inside
You're not blind
It's just what you do
And I'm glad
That you don't
Cause baby
I don't
Want you to

Don't grow up
Don't you leave
Can't you see that
I need you young
Don't move on
Don't you go
I just need you to stay
Exactly the way
You are

Na na
Na na na na
Nanana nanana
Na na
Exactly the
Way you are

In your smile
There is hope
There is faith
There is good in
This world
I can see it
In your smile

Don't grow up
Don't you leave
Can't you see that
I need you young
Don't move on
Don't you go
I just need you to stay
Exactly the way
You are

The author's comments:
For the little boy at my church, I love you so much, please don't ever grow up.

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