Two Years Too Late | Teen Ink

Two Years Too Late

August 13, 2011
By Anonymous

You leave me restless as I lay down to sleep
My hearts in flames
As you came
Running in the sand after me
Oh I realize it's just a dream 
Imagining from the past 
What we could have had 
If timing was on our side 

Oh you taught me after the storm
Comes a rainbow 
But I've realized I'm chasing what I was 
What I thought we could be 
Not who I am now
Im sorry I have to say 
It's just two years too late
I've uncovered the hidden person
In me
You loved the masked me
And I loved you 
It's killing me to say this now 
But I changed my ways 
And you stayed the same
We are different now 
Your holding me back from myself 
It's just two years too late

I learned to fly 
and your still on the ground
Watching me from beneath
I don't know where I'm headed 
But I'm gonna discover me 
Stop keeping me from myself
Your still the same as before
But I'm not that girl anymore 

Oh you taught me after the storm
Comes a rainbow 
But I've realized I'm chasing what I was 
What I thought we could be 
Not who I am now
Im sorry I have to say 
It's just two years too late
I've uncovered the hidden person
In me
You loved the masked me
And I loved you 
It's killing me to say this now 
But I changed my ways 
And you stayed the same
We are different now 
Your holding me back from myself 
It's just two years too late

I'm searching for the stars and the moon
I'm not gonna be a ruin from you
I'm not gonna let you hurt me 
Hold me back from me
When I left who I thought I was 
Who I fought to be 
Was when I became me 

Oh I see the tears fall in your eyes 
It cutting me like a knife 
Oh im sorry for the pain I've caused
Please just don't cry 

Oh you taught me after the storm
Comes a rainbow 
But I've realized I'm chasing what I was 
What I thought we could be 
Not who I am now
Im sorry I have to say 
It's just two years too late
I've uncovered the hidden person
In me
You loved the masked me
And I loved you 
It's killing me to say this now 
But I changed my ways 
And you stayed the same
We are different now 
Your holding me back from myself 
It's just two years too late

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