Simplicity | Teen Ink


June 19, 2011
By JamesDawn BRONZE, Lehi, Utah
JamesDawn BRONZE, Lehi, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is not our abilities that determine who we are, it is our choices.<br /> -Albus Dumbledor

Shy soft green eyes
Glance your way
As the discreet misty mountains
Shrink away

Gaze at the beauty around you

Painting the sea
Is no small feat
Mixed with dizzying sighs
Deprived of sleep

Breathe in the air 'cause your breaths may be few

Gathering clouds
Drape the sky overhead
Bring back the days
Colored deep scarlet red

Sing with the birds that surround you

Sunshine, break through
Brighten my view
On the wings of the air
Allow me to soar along with you

And gaze at the beauty around you

The author's comments:
I wrote this on a long drive, passing mountains and other scenery. I'm not quite sure what motivated me, I just decided to get out a piece of paper, and write whatever came to mind.

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