A Blessing From Above | Teen Ink

A Blessing From Above

April 4, 2011
By linseyhelenvannewkirk BRONZE, Mcmurray, Pennsylvania
linseyhelenvannewkirk BRONZE, Mcmurray, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your a gift from above,
who came to show me love.
Didn't know how to trust,
in a world of lust.

You broke down the walls,
put up due to the thralls.
Living dim-sighted,
due to the masks ignited.

Timid to bare my soul,
due to a mental atoll.
Self esteem low,
but then you let me know,
beauty I obtained.
Tho my confidence waned.

Scared to devote.
Daunted to end on a half note.
However still you wrote,
A masterpiece that keeps me afloat,

Tranquil cause concerns disappear,
whenever you are near.
Security is what I feel,
I know this love is real.

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