9/11 For Manu Dhingra | Teen Ink

9/11 For Manu Dhingra

March 7, 2011
By Anonymous

It was a normal day
Just like yesterday
Or at least it started out that way
Brush my teeth
Brush my hair
Grabbed an apple and head out without a care
Right down to New York
This was no normal day
But how was I to know?
I wasn’t ready
For such an unordinary day
A day of tears and blood
Of broken hearts
A day when war
Was the only thought in every mind
Of every surviving parent and child
As we watched
On that awful day
While the tall twin towers fell
Into the dust below
All we could do was stand and watch
While men, children and women came down too
This was a time of tears and blood
Of broken hearts
And anger floods
A day that no one deserved
A day that wasn’t supposed to be
Anything but ordinary
Dead girls and boys
Unborn babies too
Brave heroes’ hearts tried to save them
Amongst the fire and the soot
Only one thing to be found
A little red shoe
Without a foot
That day of rage and fear
We drew our loved ones near
Our nation’s heart torn in two
Over many lost red shoes
In a day of tears and blood
And broken souls
And rage and hate
And shattered lives
Amongst the soot
With the raging fire
Came crashing down our twin towers
Come close little child
I know your mommy and daddy was in there
Come close
Stay forever
In the hands of the U.S. A.
For the rest
Now are in heaven
But never forget
This ain’t no ordinary day
No, sir it ain’t

The author's comments:
Thanks for reading. I was too young to know what was happening but now I understand the horror and the pain when the tower came down. The tower is down. We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail-Bush. That's right We! An attack on one is an attack on all. Blessings to you Manu Dhingra (9/11 survivor) I wrote this for you

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