Not a Dream... | Teen Ink

Not a Dream...

January 28, 2011
By emotional_lover BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
emotional_lover BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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This isnt what i wanted to be<br /> i never thought that what I say would have u running from me <br /> like this

It seems crazy just sitting here, writing this about you.
But thinking what to write about you makes it worth my time.
Trying to find the right word to use.
Using my thoughts and breath in every line.
Maybe this might just turn out fine.

We see each other once a day.
I just sit back and pray you're here.
Really don't care what people think or say.
As long as i know your near.
And you're here to stay.

When we lock eye, I see you smile.
Talking finally, its not a dream.
You're totally honest with me, there is no lies.
Holy Sh**, this is crazy and extreme.
Damnit, please be how it seems.

With every single appearance by you.
blinding my eyes
I can Hardly remember the last time i felt like i do.
You're an angel disguised

Lets all get up and scream.
And blow of sole steam.
just stand and tell the girl/ guy
come on dont be shy
everything will turn out fine.

The author's comments:
This Poem is for a girl i really like and i hope she knows i like her a lot.

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