I broke him with my lips | Teen Ink

I broke him with my lips

January 3, 2011
By Daddii_liL_gurl BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Daddii_liL_gurl BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.<br /> I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.<br /> It&rsquo;s not cheating unless you get caught<br /> I think crime pays. The hours are good, you<br /> As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools

He told me to stop and look the other way
When I turned around he was holding a key to my heart
I wanted to cry because I think he really cared about me and my heart.
I told my friends of our love and they stuck their tongues out like it was a crime to love.
They said you were from the other side of the tracks and I was a maiden wanting for real love.
I listened to my friends know I see it hurt you bad when I didn’t answer your calls.

So sorry if your words can’t heal me anymore
Sorry if I can’t return your calls
I’ve gone away to another place and never turning back
Sorry if I crushed your stupid little heart

I see you crying over me and I fell real badly
You beat yourself up when I walk your way
Maybe it’s best if I just away from your heart and I return the key you gave me.
I was really in love with you but I found out you had a dirty little secret
You lied and you cheated on to many girls and you think I’ll feel sorry for you wish
I wish that I never had fallen in love with you
I would have saved myself the trouble but know I have to deal with you
So sorry if the next three months are hell
But you should have never cheat on a girl like me
That’s why I broke you with my lips

The author's comments:
about a guy who broke my heart
he did all this wonderful things and turned around and broke my heart so i broke his
my friends even told me he was no good but whatever

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