Runaway Child | Teen Ink

Runaway Child

December 1, 2010
By cassie670 SILVER, Houston, Texas
cassie670 SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&lrm;&quot;If i were God&quot;, he asked the marine, &quot;what would you want for Christmas?&quot;<br /> After a long time the Marine answered, &quot;Give me tomorrow&quot;

day by day
hour by hour
you are just a glimpse that keeps getting smaller.
walking in the woods
hitchhiking from strangers
little things like that help you survive.

cause your a runaway child
with no sense in direction.
you are running from the past that is just so haunting
trying to find a place that feels like home
looking for a place to call your own.

people round town don't know you by name
but they know you by face.
nobody knows the situation your in
and still want to lend a helping hand.

cause your a runaway child
with no sense in direction.
you are running from the past that is just so haunting
trying to find a place that feels like home
looking for a place to call your own.

the few dollars you earn
help you get by
until somthing better comes your way.
scared and tired you feel all hope is lost
then a miracle happens that is beyond all costs.

cause your a runaway child
with no sense in direction.
you are running from the past that is just so haunting
you found a place the feels like home.
now you have a place to call your own.

The author's comments:
This is about my best friend who thought it would be best to escape the place that is her home.

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