Thinking of you | Teen Ink

Thinking of you

November 20, 2010
By BeTheChange101 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
BeTheChange101 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step&quot; From the Chinese proverb, <br /> &quot;The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn the more i realize what i don&#039;t know.

Everybody knows that life takes place, and changes everyday
And then people seem to fade away,
But i promise i'll always stay the same (I promise i'll never change)

And even when part,
and go our own ways
I won't forget,
the one who made me who i am today

When i see a star shine in the night's sky,i may cry cause
i'll be thinking of you,

and when the rain won't stop pouring and there's nothing to do,

don't you dare doubt that i'm not thinking of you

When i think life is not worth living i'll remember those lazy summer days and i'll stay strong,

In the hopes i can again be in your arms

The author's comments:
I'm in high school and
I wrote this song about an hour after
talking to my best friend and she was telling me about an heart felt talk she and her boyfriend had about what's going to happen to them after high school

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